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Ketamine Therapy

Private Medical Practices & Sports Medicine located in Jack London Square, Oakland, CA

Ketamine Therapy services offered in Jack London Square, Oakland, CA

Ketamine therapy is a safe, minimally invasive procedure that helps manage chronic pain that resists treatment. At the Mint Medical Center in Oakland, California, anti-aging and pain management specialist Angela Lin, NP, and the team use ketamine therapy as an off-label treatment for musculoskeletal pain. Call the office today to request a ketamine therapy consultation, or book your appointment online.

Ketamine Therapy Q&A

What is ketamine therapy?

Ketamine therapy is an outpatient procedure that administers ketamine –– a dissociative anesthetic –– directly into your bloodstream via an IV or intramuscular injection.

Over the last 20 years, a growing body of research data indicates that ketamine can relieve chronic pain resistant to other treatments. Specifically, ketamine therapy “resets” your nervous system when administered by a qualified medical professional.

What problems can benefit from ketamine therapy?

At the Mint Medical Center, the team uses ketamine therapy to treat various musculoskeletal problems, including:

  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Chronic pain syndrome
  • Upper extremity pain

You might also benefit from ketamine therapy if you have lower extremity pain that affects your ability to stand, walk, or do other routine activities.

How does ketamine treat chronic pain?

When ketamine enters your bloodstream, it acts against a chemical pain receptor called N-methyl-D-aspartate, or NMDA. Blocking NMDA’s communicative abilities dampens the pain signals that your body emits. That process eases inflammation and discomfort, allowing you to return to exercise and other things you love.

How is ketamine therapy administered?

At the Mint Medical Center, the team administers ketamine therapy in several ways, including:

IV therapy

During IV (intravenous) therapy, you sit in a comfortable reclining chair. Your Mint Medical Center provider sterilizes your inner arm and carefully inserts a needle into your vein. The needle connects to an IV bag containing a mixture of ketamine and saline. The solution slowly drips into your bloodstream over the next hour.

Intramuscular injection

An intramuscular injection uses a more concentrated form of ketamine. During treatment, your Mint Medical Center provider injects the ketamine into your buttocks, thigh, or hip. The drug goes to work immediately, dampening the pain signals that your body sends to your brain.

What is recovery like after ketamine therapy?

Ketamine is an anesthetic that takes several hours to wear off, so you need a friend or family member to pick you up and drive you home. Get plenty of rest and drink lots of water for the rest of the day. Feeling tired or off balance is normal, but these symptoms should go away within 24 hours.

Call the Mint Medical Center today to learn more about the benefits of ketamine therapy, or click the online booking feature to make your appointment.